slicer connections

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Slicer connections

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2016

Michael has attended:
Excel Advanced course

Slicer connections

I have 9 different pivots/charts based off the same data source and all contained within the one spreadsheet. I inserted a slicer to allow for selection of data on one particular source.

However the slicer will only connect to 6 of the pivots/charts. The other 3 do not connect, nor do they show up in the report connections list.

What can I do to connect all my pivtos/charts to a single slicer? If I update any cells within the source data, could this impact on slicer connectivity?


RE: Slicer connections

Hi Michael

Thank you for your question.

Slicers only work on PivotTables that have the exact same data range. If one PivotTable has a data range that is out by a single row or column, the slicer won't see that PivotTable.

Also while the slicer can stop the PivotTable from Changing the Data Source if connected to more than one PivotTable, it won't stop you from refreshing any changes to the existing data. You just wouldn't be able to add new records to the PivotTable.

You would need to disconnect the slicer from the PivotTables, update all the PivotTables and then reconnect the slicers. Converting your data to tables before creating the PivotTable can avoid this problem though.

Hope this helps

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer


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