highligh rule

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Highligh Rule

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2013

Freya has attended:
Excel Advanced course
Presentation Skills course
Introduction to Successful Selling course

Highligh Rule

I am using a sheet which has the rule, whereby if you choose the word 'unpaid' from the drop down list in the cell, the line turns yellow. how has this been set up?

RE: Highlight Rule, Conditional Formatting,

Hi Freya

Thank you for using our forum

It sounds like you're using a conditional formatting that identifies keywords and changes the colour based on the result.

To activate this you can:
Select the range of cells that the rule will be applied to
Go to the Home Ribbon and select Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cell Rules > Text That Contains
Type in the keyword and select the colour you wish to apply
Click on OK

To manage/edit this rule
Go to the Home Ribbon and select Conditional Formatting > Manage Rules
Select This Worksheet from the drop down menu above
Select the applicable rule and click on Edit
Make any changes required
Click on OK

We cover this subject in detail on the Excel Introduction course. You can download the manual from here:
https://www.stl-training.co.uk/microsoft/excel-introduction-courses.php #free-manual

Or find more information here:

I hope this helps

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

Sat 11 Aug 2018: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Shortcut keys to move between sheets

Instead of clicking on a sheet tab to view a sheet, use the following keyboard shortcuts to move between sheets in the same file:

Ctrl + Page Down - Switch to the next worksheet (to the right)

Ctrl + Page Up - Switch to the previous worksheet (to the left)

View all Excel hints and tips

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