dimension look up

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3 dimension look up

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2016 (Mac)

Clélia-elsa has attended:
Excel Advanced course

3 dimension look up


I recently attended the advanced excel training and have a question related to 3 dimension look up.

I have data ordered in a table in this way.

Column A contains countries
Column B contains metric
Column C contains year
Column D contains the unique value

There are 5,000 rows of data and I need a solution to look up values, asking excel 3 variables (country, metric and year) to get the value.

Using index and match, which formula can I use ?

Many thanks

Edited on Tue 12 Sep 2017, 10:55

RE: 3 dimension look up

Hi Clélia-elsa,

Thank you for the forum question.

I have attached an example file where you can see two options.

You may need a Sumifs function or turn a Index & Match function into an array formula.

Have a look at my example and please let me know if it makes sense.

Kind regards

Jens Bonde
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

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Attached files...

3d lookup.xlsx

RE: 3 dimension look up

Thanks! I worked out an array formula using index and match last night but I really like the sumif formula!


Excel tip:

Display developer tab - Excel 2010

a. In Excel, click on the File tab
b. Select Options from left hand side
c. Choose the Customize Ribbon section
d. Click the box next to Developer in the list of tabs on the right hand side of the dialog box. When ticked the Developer tab will be visible.
e. Click OK to apply your changes

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