gantt charts manpower tracking

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Gantt Charts for Manpower tracking

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 2013

Seth has attended:
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Gantt Charts for Manpower tracking

I am creating individual sheets for each employee I have. These will have the Project Job Site they are working at on a particular day, and will include what day and the duration of their time at each site.

All this information will be brought into a separate sheet with a Gantt Chart on it, that will combine which workers are at which job site at any time. This will help me see which workers are available on certain days, and let me know who/how many workers are scheduled to be at certain locations.

I think of it as essentially combining separate Gantt charts from individual workers into a large Gantt chart, with ALL projects listed.

RE: Gantt Charts for Manpower tracking

Hi Seth

Would I be correct in assuming this is all in Project?

The best solution I would advise is using the consolidate function in Project.

It joins up multiple single files into one large project that you can manage as a single file with a single view and Gantt Chart.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards

Wendy Canelas

RE: Gantt Charts for Manpower tracking

I actually have Microsoft Excel 2013. I could look into purchasing a Project license. I was hoping to find a way using the tools I already have. Any ideas? Thanks

RE: Gantt Charts for Manpower tracking

Hi Seth

Unfortunately Excel does not support Gantt Charts so you would have to look at manually colouring cells to create one or look at perhaps using Visio to create a Gantt Chart.
Visio isn't part of the standard office suite so you may have to purchase separately.

Visio would require you to enter your task information and it would update the chart but it is more limited than using Project.

Project would have better options for the Gantt Chart working across multiple projects and would automatically update the Gantt as you update your tasks.

Excel will need you to manually enter all your information and colour each cell.

Hope that helps

Kind regards


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