pivot table slicer

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Pivot Table / Slicer / Charts

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 2013

Pivot Table / Slicer / Charts


I have a spreadsheet that maps hours against what we have charged on a monthly basis and YTD.

So first column is the client
Second is Jan Charged
Third is Jan Hours
Fourth is Feb Charged
Fifth is Feb Hours

etc etc

I'm trying to produce a combo chart with Jan Charged on on axis as a column chart and hours as a line chart -

Is my data set up incorrectly?

Also would love to have this as a pivot chart and be able to choose a month as a filter, but this doesn't seem to work. Help please!!


Kind regards


RE: Pivot Table / Slicer / Charts

Hi Sheryl

You should be able to create a combination chart from your data.

Step 1 - Highlight the client names, Jan Charged and Jan Hours data and create a column chart.

Step 2 - Click the Format tab and select the Jan Hours series from the naavigator at top left of Format tab.

Step 3 - Change the second series to line chart and secondary axis (see attached screenshot).

You will need to copy the chart for next month and change the data range etc.

To be able to filter by month you will have to rearrange the sheet quite a bit. Have headings called Client, Month, Charged, Hours.

Hope that helps for now.
Best STL

Attached files...


Will be marked as resolved in 5 days

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Fri 24 Jul 2015: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Transpose text

You can transpose any range of cells, turning the columns into rows and the rows into columns. Just follow these steps:

Select the range.

Click the Copy button on the Standard toolbar to copy it to the Clipboard.

Select a cell outside of the range you copied.

Select Paste Special from the Edit menu.

In the Paste Special dialog box, click Transpose, then OK.

View all Excel hints and tips

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