word forms template

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Word forms / template

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 2003

Paul has attended:
Excel Advanced course

Word forms / template

I am looking to create a template (ro various templates).
Some of the unique data could be updated using mail merge; for example the customer name.
How can I create blank (& 'named' spaces) fields in the document for data that will change?
Examples of data that will change could be currency, amount, payment date & maturity date (etc)
How can you jump / tab between the fields that need informaiton updating? Can these fields have agreed formats applied to ensure that the formatting is consistent?
Thank you

RE: Word forms / template

Hi Paul,

WORD 2003

To create a form:

1. Design your document however you see fit, including formatting, in order to accommodate the information required (e.g. presenting this using Tables is useful).
2. Click at the point at which the first data is required.
3. Display the Forms toolbar by clicking on VIEW -> TOOLBARS -> FORMS.
4. From the Forms toolbar, choose the Form Field required (e.g. Text Form or Check Box Form).
5. Still from the Forms toolbar, click on Form Field Options to specify the fields' properties (e.g. for Currency, use the Text Form Field / Type: Number, etc.).
6. Once complete, click on TOOLS -> PROTECT DOCUMENT...
7. From the PROTECT DOCUMENT pane, at 1. Formatting restrictions, check the Limit formatting to a selection of styles box.
8. At 2. Editing restrictions, check the Allow only this type of editing in the document: box.
9. Choose Filling in forms from the dropdown box.
10. At 3. Start enforcement, click on Yes, Start Enforcing Protection.
11. Enter, and re-enter, a password to unprotect the document, if required and click on OK. Otherwise just click on OK.
12. The user is now placed in the first accessible field and can enter information according to the field's properties and can tab to move to the next. No other part of the document is accessible.
13. The padlock (Protect Form) command on the Forms toolbar can also be used to protect and unprotect the document.

Please note: It is unlikely that merge fields will be compatible with form fields so you may not be able to merge to the form. You can, however, create a template from the form.

RE: Word forms / template

Hi, I hope that you can follow the audit trail for this ok.
I am getting on to this now - the text form (etc) boxes is a good solution. However some of the data is repeated:
An example could be a company name or a currency code (eg USD). How can I avoid re-typing the same information? The name of the company could be different each time that the template is used, therefore, I cannot simply hardcode their name.
Thank you

RE: Word forms / template

Repeating Text. How can I avoid repeating data?
An example could be a company name or a currency code (eg USD). How can I avoid re-typing the same information? The name of the company could be different each time that the template is used, therefore, I cannot simply hardcode their name.
Thank you

RE: Word forms / template

Hi Paul

Thank you for your question.
Whilst it is possible to repeat values from one form field to another this would require some programming (Visual Basic for Applications) which is outside the scope of this forum.

As an alternative if the values are predictable could they be in a combo box so the user selects them rather than types them in repeatedly?

Kind regards,

Will be marked as resolved in 5 days

Notice: This is an automated message. Due to inactivity, this forum post will be marked as 'resolved' if there are no further responses in the next 5 days.

Tue 30 Dec 2014: Automatically marked as resolved.


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