fixed duration effort offspecify

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Fixed duration effort off-specifying desired task timescale

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2007

Fixed duration effort off-specifying desired task timescale

My task is fixed duration, effort off but I can’t enter the start and finish dates of this task in this mode, it reverts back to 1 day duration so I have to change the mode, input the information and the change the mode back. Will I have to do this for every task?

All of my tasks are fixed duration effort off. I have a resource who can spend 30% of January working on this task. I want to put in the start and finish dates of this task so I can see the resource on the gannt view with his task showing for the duration of January reflecting the accurate amount of time he will be working throughout the month so it’s not just showing as 1 day duration.

I hoped to put in fixed duration effort off, input the start and end date of this task and put him at 30% but in fixed duration effort off mode, I can’t, the start and finish dates jump to show one day duration so I have to put the task onto another mode, fixed units to specify the dates I want, then add the resource then put the mode back to fixed duration effort off and then input the 30% for January.
Am I doing something wrong or is there an easier way to do this?

Many thanks!

RE: fixed duration effort off-specifying desired task timescale

Hi Emma

Thank you for your question. One thing you could try is to make the task, set it to the dates and assign the resource 100%. Once the assignment is made go back and reduce the units of resource to 30%. Your fixed duration setting should keep the task duration whilst reducing the amount of work involved.

Let me know if this gives you the answer you are looking for.

Kind regards,

Tue 4 Dec 2012: Automatically marked as resolved.


MS Project tip:

Set default task type - Project 2010

a. In Project, click on the File tab
b. Select Options from left hand side
c. Click on Schedule to set the scheduling options
d. Set the Default Task type box to your chosen option
i. Generally if you plan/estimate your projects using durations you should use fixed duration, and untick the box New tasks are effort driven, if you plan/estimate with person hours use fixed work, or for plans estimated with the proportion of resources time use fixed units, and untick the box New tasks are effort driven)
e. Click OK to apply your changes

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