changes datasheet view affecting

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Changes in datasheet view affecting other records | Access forum

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2007

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Changes in datasheet view affecting other records

I have two fields in a database which, when amended for a single record in datasheet view, incorrectly amend all the entries in that datasheet. The other fields do not behave in this way; and the two affected fields also update correctly without affecting other records when amended in 'form' view'. Any ideas please why this problem might be occurring and how it can be resolved?

RE: Changes in datasheet view affecting other records

Hi Paul, thanks for your query. There are a number of things that could be causing this and the quickest solution may be to rebuild the relevant tables. If one change in one field is affecting other fields, the original may be involved into calculated fields in queries. However, if these changes don't occur when you switch to form view I would be highly suspicious and immediately start backing up the database and rebuilding. Also try the database on different machines to see if the problem is machine-specific. Sorry to give you so little, but without a close examination of the database it's difficult to advise.


RE: Changes in datasheet view affecting other records

Hi Anthony,
Thanks for the quick rersponse. Neither of the fields affected is a calculated field, and the impact is to change the fiield on all records on the datasheet (apart from these two fields the other fields are unaffected). Could the database be corrupt? I'd be very surprised, as it's a farily simple one. Only one table was imported at the build stage (and that table doesn't contain the affected fields); the other half a dozen or so were all condstructed from scratch. In all other respects the DB works fine.

RE: Changes in datasheet view affecting other records

Any self-joins? Are you looking at the datasheet view of a recordset (query results)? Export the tables into a fresh db and see if the problem is replicated there.


RE: Changes in datasheet view affecting other records

Hi Anthony,
No self joins. I am indeed looking at query result record sets. The problem replicates no matter what query is run. However, if I change an entry in the underlying two tables from which the fields are taken, the other records in the table are not affected. Re the fresh db, shouod I export all tables and the data entry form, and then enter some mock records?

RE: Changes in datasheet view affecting other records

Yes, take everything across - reconstructing may flag up the error. However, you should examine the queries and the table relationships. The recordset you are amending will update the underlying tables which may themselves alter the fields. It's got to be some sort of structural problem.


RE: Changes in datasheet view affecting other records

Hi Anthony,
A long time since we had contact on this one. I have done a rebuild, inlcuding inmporting tables and queries one by one, but the problem just replicates. I've also had a close look at both relationships, and properties associated with each of the tables and fie'ds. I can't see anything odd about the two fields which are causing the problem when compared to the other fields which update normally. The really is a puzzle!

Mon 23 Jul 2012: Automatically marked as resolved.


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