mail merge access

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Mail Merge from Access

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

Charlotte has attended:
Access Introduction course
Excel VBA Introduction course

Mail Merge from Access

I am comfortable with creating a full mail merge from access but would like to know how/if its possible to mail merge out into individual documents

RE: Mail Merge from Access

Hi Charlotte, thanks for your query. There's no one-click function to do this but by using the Master & sub-document feature in Word it is possible to separate the individual documents. Have a look here: #SepFile

Note the code option included in the link which I would definitely use if you're going to attempt the merge more than once. Let me know if you need help getting the code to work. Here are two further links to add-ins which can help automate all this:

Hope this helps,


Mon 23 Apr 2012: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Access tip:

Switchboard Startup

An option when you open your Access database that contains all of you tables, forms and queries is only the switchboard is displayed.

To achieve this, select Tools click on Startup. On the right hand side of the Startup screen you are able to select which form you want to open when you open you Access Database. Once you have selected this, there is a check box just below that says "Display Database Window", you need to uncheck this option. Then click ok.

Then when you close you Access database and re open it, the database should open with just the switchboard being shown

View all Access hints and tips

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