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How to calculate age on a particular date | Excel forum

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2010

Angela has attended:
Excel Advanced course

How to calculate age on a particular date

How does one calculate a list of peoples' ages on a particular date easily?

RE: Excel

Hi Angela

Easiest way to calculate age from someone's date of birth is

- calculate the number of days old they are by subtracting from today's date.
- then divide by 365.25 to get years old.
- the answer had many decimal places so can use the INT function to give a whole number of years.

Here is the formula typed into B2 for my own DOB typed in in A2

Date of Birth Age
26/12/56 =INT((TODAY()-A2)/365.25)

Should say 54

This is accurate to one or two days which is usually acceptable. There is a more accurate but complicated formula as well I can send if you need it.



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Excel tip:

Hiding Formulae in the Formula Bar

It is possible to protect the contents of a cell reference(s) from amendment by applying cell protection. The contents of the cell reference can also be stopped from displaying in the formula bar.

Step 1: Select Format > Cells > Protection.

Step 2: Tick Hidden option. Ensure Locked is ticked

Step 3: Select Tools > Protection > Protect Sheet

(Ensure "Protect worksheet and contents of locked cells" is ticked)

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