freeze panes

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Freeze panes

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Heather has attended:
Excel Introduction course
Excel Intermediate course
PowerPoint Intermediate Advanced course
Word Advanced course

Freeze panes

How do I freeze panes for numberous tabs on an excel spreadsheet?

RE: Freeze panes

Hello Heather,

You can only Freeze Panes for 1 sheet at a time I'm afraid as the Freeze position required tends to vary from sheet to sheet.

To Freeze Panes, position your cursor in the appropriate cell and click the View Tab and then the the down arrow on Freeze Panes in the Window Group on the View ribbon. Freeze Panes is the first option on the list and results in the panes freezing above and to the left of your current cell. Alternatively, you can freeze just the Top Row or the First Column without having to select a particular cell first.

I hope this is helpful.

Kind regards,


RE: Freeze panes

Hi Heather

Thank you for your question

First select the cell that is immediately below the last row you want frozen and to the right of the last column you want frozen.

Then go to the View ribbon and click on freeze panes in the window group



Tue 19 Jul 2011: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Move data worksheet to worksheet

To move data from one worksheet to another, highlight the data.

Select and hold down the ALT key and position the mouse on the border of the selection until the mouse pointer displays four-headed arrows.

Drag the selection down to the destination worksheet tab.

When the arrow touches the tab, Excel switches to the desired worksheet. Now drag the selection to the correct position. Let go of the mouse and then the ALT key.

To copy data from one worksheet to another, select and hold down the CTRL+ALT keystroke combination and perform the steps above.

View all Excel hints and tips

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