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Access vba

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

John has attended:
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Access vba

How can I calculate woerking days in Access VBA?

RE: access vba

Hi John,

Thank you for your question and welcome to the forum.

Sorry for the delay in responding.

Do you mean working days function as in how many working days between two dates?



RE: access vba

Hi John,

You can't access the NetworkDays function directly but please find the following link that may help you access it:

I hope this helps.



Will be marked as resolved in 5 days

Notice: This is an automated message. Due to inactivity, this forum post will be marked as 'resolved' if there are no further responses in the next 5 days.

Thu 23 Dec 2010: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Access tip:

Prefixed Autonumbering

When using Date Type = Autonumber as a primary key, clients may require autonumbering to be prefixed with a letter.

For example, P001, where P is the prefixed letter

Step 1. Create Field Name
Step 2. Set Data Type to Autonumber
Step 3. Within Field Property General tabsheet,
enter Format property as [backslash]P000

View all Access hints and tips

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