microsoft-project-training-courses - scurve earned value

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microsoft-project-training-courses - S-Curve, Earned Value

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version Standard

S-Curve, Earned Value

Is there a way to get Project to provide automatically an S-Curve chart as part of a report? I want to show earned value (in cost or hours) against time, and show both the Baseline and the Actual & Forecast earned value for trend comparison.

I'd also like to be able to get a chart that plots CPI against SPI and retains the data over time to enable me to show how these performance indices change through the course of a project

RE: S-Curve, Earned Value

To produce your S-Curve you will need to get your data out of Project into Excel. Project includes a toolbar to help you do this.

From the view menu choose Toolbars then Analysis

From the toolbar you will find an Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel Button. This will take you through a series of steps to export your information to Excel where you can then create the charts you require.

Let us know if you have further questions.



MS Project tip:

Autofit column width – Project (all versions)

At the top of the columns where each column name is located (Task Name, Duration, etc.), hover over the vertical column line which you want to move.

A short bold vertical line will appear, with horizontal arrows pointing left and right.

Left click and hold this icon and it will permit you to grab the column line, allowing you to move it left or right to your desired location.

View all MS Project hints and tips

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