search form search button

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Search form with search button

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2000

Gary has attended:
Access VBA course
Excel VBA Advanced course

Search form with search button

Good morning,

I am currently trying to design a search form from the DATA table that when information is typed into the necessary fields and the search button is clicked it displays all the results for that search.

The four fields that I need are:

Birth Date
Offence Date

I have tried queries and VBA (also SQL) and for some reason it doesn't work. Could you help with some code??

Could you send to me ASAP as I need to get this completed for a project that I am working on.



RE: Search form with search button

Hi Gary

Thanks for the question

In general, you would first need to give your text boxes meaningful names.

Your code would then;

Declare string variables for Surname and Forename, and date variables for Offence Date and Birth Date.

You would then pass the values in the text boxes to the relevant variables. Note that all values in text boxes are text strings so you would have to use the cdate function to convert the date text box values into daye variables.


dteOffDate = cdate(me.offdate.value)

finally you would create an SQL string with the variables embedded, this would look some thing like this;

"SELECT * FROM DATA WHERE Surname = & """ & strSurname & """ & " AND Forename" = & """ & strForename & """ & " AND Bdate"= "#" & dteBDate & "#" &" And OffenceDate" = " & "#" & dteOffDate & "#""

Finally, you would use thsi to open a DAO Recordset. This record set would then contain the data required

Hope this helps


RE: Search form with search button


Thanks alot. I actually managed to code this but I also found a way of using a query, macro and form to search the table and then I also include a Clear Form button with VBA attached.

This is another useful way. I have also been using the code that you taught me a couple of weeks ago to develop my Excel sheets and make them more dynamic.

Really enjoyed your course, it was very informative and built on the knowledge that I had acquired on the Access VBA course. Good job my friend and I hope you are well.

Thanks again,



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Access tip:

Copy a Previous Record's Values to a New Record

If you often enter the same value in one field of a table, there are two methods to save re-typing the data.

1. Use Ctrl+' (apostrophe) to repeat the value input in the previous record.

2. Change the field's DefaultValue property in Design View to the most commonly used value.

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