microsoft excel courses in - hyperlink

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microsoft excel courses in - Hyperlink

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version Standard

Gunaratnam has attended:
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how can i do a "IF" function or "Vlookup" that includes a hyperlink in it.
for example have set up mu hyperlink on a seperate tab for different customers which is picking up the information for that customer.
now on a sepreate sheet i want to do a "IF" sum that will look up the hyperlink for the relevent custome.

i have tried the formula "=hyperlink(vlookup(a1,A:C,2,false))
but this is coming up with error message.

can you please help.

RE: hyperlink

can i please have a responce to my question ASAP as i would like to solve some issue with my report on excell.

RE: hyperlink

need to do more research on this subject

RE: hyperlink

i sitll not have a reply (solution) my question and i have reminded them of the fact that i have not had a reply and still not heard anything from them. May be you can help by pointing this out to them


RE: hyperlink

Hi Gunaratnam

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, it did take a little time to replicate the error that you were getting, so that we could come up with a solution.

What you need to do is to specify the hyperlink that you want to link to i.e.


Hope this helps


RE: hyperlink

can you be a bit more specific as i tried what you have sugested i still am not able to get the required result, sorry for the inconveniance

RE: hyperlink

Please just make sure that you have replaced where I have written yourlink to the hyperlink that you actually need to use, as when this was tested it did work. Also if you could provide details of the error message you recieve.




Excel tip:

Turn Function tooltips on and off

Excel 2002 (XP) and Excel 2003 have the Function tooltips facility. When you type in a function name followed by a bracket, for example, =IF(, a yellow box appears beside the function name and lists the function's arguments. This is very useful when you can't quite remember the order of a function's arguments or what the arguments actually are!

However, Function tooltips can become annoying. To turn them off, choose Tools|Options. and select the General tab. Then, untick the Function tooltips box and choose OK.

View all Excel hints and tips

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