financial excel course london - automatic number generation

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financial excel course london - Automatic number generation

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version Standard

Sariat has attended:
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Automatic number generation

Is there a way of generating automatic numbers / identifiers in Excel for each record created in a speadsheet? I would also like the number / identifier to have a specific format (i.e. 3 letters/year/3 digit number). Thanks.

RE: Automatic Number generation

Sariat - I have a spreadsheet that does this, but I must confess I didn't create it! This formula puts automatic numbers starting from 1, into column A, when you enter data into column B.


Do note though that if you leave a row blank in Column B it will then start counting from 1 again.

I honestly doubt that your format will be possible, but you could have a separate colum already set up containingg your 3 letters/year/, and then use a further column to merge that and the number together e.g. =A2&C2. That just merges the data from those two cells into one.

Hope that's useful.


PS. You can probably also learn this through Microsoft Excel training which these guys offer on public schedule.


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Edit and format multiple worksheets in one operation

To select two or more non-adjacent worksheets, click on the tab of each worksheet, while holding down the [CTRL] key.
To select two or more adjacent worksheets, click on the tab of the first worksheet and then on the tab of the last worksheet, while holding down the [SHIFT] key.
Enter or modify your data and apply the necessary formatting options to the sheet that's displayed

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