data labels

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Data labels

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2003

Keith has attended:
PowerPoint Intermediate Advanced course

Data labels

We are presenting a lot of bar charts in power point.
The data labels we use are usally the value of the bar, however we are using a new statistical method which gives a letter from a - z depending on how the treatment performs compared to the means.
The raw data has two columns, a) the yield value from which the graph is drawn, and b) the alpha character.

I am trying to put the alpha character as the bar label - how do you do it??


RE: Data labels

Hi Keith

Thank you for your question and welcome to the forum.

Assuming you have the raw data stored in a datasheet for the chart, I think it will depend on where the data is positioned in the data sheet.

If you like, you can email through a copy of the slide to me and I'll have a look at it and see if I can get the data label coming up for you. Email address is

Kind regards

RE: Data labels

Hi Keith

Thanks for sending a sample slide through.

I've changed it around so that the labels show next to each bar, which is my understanding of what you wanted to achieve - see attached.

If you double-click on the chart and look at the sheet with the data, you will see how I have rearranged the data in rows rather than columns.

To do this I needed to convert the data range from being a list to a normal range (right click, select List then Convert to Range).

Then I cut the data and used Paste Special to transpose it from columns to rows.

Then I changed the data range for the chart - go to the sheet containing the chart and double click on it, then go to Chart - Source data and reselect the data range and click OK.

To get the data labels coming up, go to Chart - Chart Options - Data Labels and tick the Series box and click OK.

I hope this helps.

Attached files...

test slide - Velcourt.ppt

RE: Data labels

Thanks very much, most helpful even though it is a bit fiddly./



PowerPoint tip:

Moving to next column

If you are working in a slide that includes more than one column of bulleted items, press Ctrl+Enter to move to the next column of bullets. Pressing Ctrl+Enter again will create a new identical slide.

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