word template

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Word template

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

Helen has attended:
Word Intermediate course

Word template

Can you save the template so it will open up in word staright away??

RE: word template

Hi Helen,
Thank you for your question;
In answer: I think what you are asking for here is; can you set up word to operate the way you can in Excel when you create a Workspace Icon to open specific documents. The answer is no, not without writing a VBA script, or recording a macro which then opens a document in word once it has completed its opening sequence.

However you can force Windows to open a program by default, thus taking away at least one step...

Follow this: On the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Office, and then point to the Office program you want to automatically start.
Drag the the Office program to rest over the Startup folder on the Start menu. When the Startup folder displays a list of programs, point to where you want the Office program to appear, and then release the mouse. I am assuming use of Windows XP here. I hope that has helped... Pete

Thu 18 Dec 2008: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Word tip:

Edit Word documents in Print Preview

Did you know you can edit your Word documents while in Print Preview?

Simply click the Magnifying glass button the Print Preview toolbar at the top of the screen to be able to click and type into your document.

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