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resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

Olga has attended:
Excel Advanced course


How to use 'Round' function?

RE: Excel

Hi Olga

Thank you for your question and welcome to the forum.

The Round function will round a number to a given number of decimal places.

If A1 contains 1234.567

Then =Round(A1,2) returns 1234.57
And =Round(A1,0) returns 1235

A slightly different use is to round to hundreds or thousands using negative as the number of places.

So =Round(A1,-3) would return 1000.

I hope that explains it.

Laura GB


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Excel tip:

Reconciling a list to correspond with another

May have a list that needs to make but on another sheet one list seems to be out, eg. product list one sheet contains all product and inventory data, while the other contains pricing data. Both need to match with all products but there is more products in one list than the other. To find the disparaging product compare data in the two columns that need to match Make sure that order the same way.
Create another column in the sheet that has the most items and type in the first cell

=Exact(text1,text2) text1 being the cell that you want compared with text2 cell reference. Drag to filldown and your first false will give you for first cells that does not match. Correct insert the row with data in other sheet and continue the process until all the data returns true. Delete the column inserted.

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