short cuts

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Short cuts

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Sarah has attended:
Word Advanced course
Excel Intermediate course
Excel Advanced course
PowerPoint Intermediate Advanced course

Short cuts

Is there a list of short cut keys included in the downloadable course material?

RE: short cuts


Excel tip:

Turn Function tooltips on and off

Excel 2002 (XP) and Excel 2003 have the Function tooltips facility. When you type in a function name followed by a bracket, for example, =IF(, a yellow box appears beside the function name and lists the function's arguments. This is very useful when you can't quite remember the order of a function's arguments or what the arguments actually are!

However, Function tooltips can become annoying. To turn them off, choose Tools|Options. and select the General tab. Then, untick the Function tooltips box and choose OK.

View all Excel hints and tips

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