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resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version Standard

Wieke has attended:
Word Advanced course
Excel Introduction course


Is it advisable to use Excel iso Word if you want to use Macros?

RE: Macros

Hi Wieke,

It is possible to use either Excel or Word if you want to use Marcos. You use which ever application best suits the task that you are doing i.e. if you want a spreadsheet use Excel, if you want a letter use Word. Then you can create the Macro to aid you with your task.

Hope this helps


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Word tip:

Create bullets or numbering without pressing a button!

If you want to create a bulleted or numbered list in Word, you can do so without using the bulleting or numbering buttons on the toolbar.

Here's how:

To start a bulleted list:
Type in an asterisk (*) or a hyphen (-) followed by a space then your text and press Enter.

The asterisk or hyphen should convert to a bullet point, and a second bullet point should appear next to your cursor position.

Creating a numbered list:
Type in 1. or 1) followed by a space then your text. When you press the Enter key, Word will convert this to an automatically numbered list. The number 2 will automatically appear next to where your cursor is positioned on the page.

View all Word hints and tips

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