Creating a complex database that pulls in information from across the globe is possible with Microsoft Access.

This well-used software is found in many homes and offices throughout the world that wish to compile data from many sources. For instance, as a homeowner you may be seeking to organise your household outgoings so you can ensure you do not exceed your monthly budgets. MS Access allows you to create databases that you can use to calculate your spending so you are aware of your finances. In addition, the programme is a great addition in offices that need to store lots of different information that can be sent from other users and shared within your company. While, MS Access gives you the opportunity to store data in a spreadsheet, like in MS Excel, it offers you a host of other features that help you to analyse data.

This is the major advantage that the former programme has over the latter, in that it is designed so you can see more relationships among the figures that you have uploaded into MS Excess files. So if you need to create tables holding information about your customers, such as their orders, but you would also like to add dates of their orders to see the impact of the time of year on sales for example, you are advised to use MS Access. The application can form links between tables of information so you can call up the data you need quickly, whereas MS Excel features spreadsheets that perform calculations on information that is not linked in this manner.

As well as drawing together statistical information into one place, MS Access also enables you to add a variety of other media from different locations. You may wish to add images to your customers' files or further details featuring general facts about your clients, such as their address and company history. A plus point of both MS Excel and Access is that they make a winning team in regard to building banks of information that can be analysed and presented to your colleagues and customers.

If you work in an international company you may find it challenging to be tasked with creating databases using figures from fellow employees who are located outside your home country. However, in this instance the two applications work together in harmony with MS Outlook so you can get the data you need without spending vast amounts of time waiting for emails featuring the information to be returned.

All you need to do is send an email via Outlook that features a data entry form bearing fields that detail the data you need. So you may be wishing to have details on the number of new customers acquired in your employer's offices across the globe, which may have boxes such as 'client name', 'length of contract' and other relevant sectors. This requires you to use the Data Collection Wizard, which enables you to pull in the information you require. You can choose whether you would like the returned forms to be immediately uploaded to your corresponding databases that are collating the necessary data.

This effectively means that you can send a simple email in order to collect the information, which is sent to your files and automatically uploaded. This feature helps organise teams that need to work together effectively and helps overcome geographical barriers that can hamper the running of businesses.