Let's be realistic - sometimes, work is stressful. For some of us, this is the majority of the time. Your success at work can depend on how you handle this stress: whether you give in to anger and have a rant, or learn to control negative emotions and stop them from affecting your day in a detrimental way.

Here are some tips and tricks you can use when you feel your blood starting to boil.

Don't punish yourself for anger: recognise and put it in its proper place

First of all, there is no need to feel angry about BEING angry. Some people feel like they have 'let themselves down' for losing their temper, especially when they start taking it out on others.

Anger is a valid emotion, and as with any emotion, sweeping it under the proverbial carpet can only force it into a regressive, painful force that still controls you. If you are angry, acknowledge it, feel it, but the trick is not to act on it immediately - which brings us to the next point.

Delay your reaction and direct your anger

Okay. So you're angry. Don't make a display of it - taking it out on other people at work hardly ever serves you, and it will earn you a reputation of having a short fuse. It's a very old trick, but taking a deep breath and counting to ten can help you calm just enough to either diffuse your burst of anger, or go somewhere else where you can vent or cry on your own, and work through it. Stress balls are also a dated executive toy, but they do work - better to crush a toy rather than a colleague if you're angry.

Once calm, examine the source of anger

When stressed, even the smallest of annoyances can sometimes tip you over the edge. Try to find out what your particular 'triggers' are. Whether it's something minor such as a colleague clicking their pen at the other end of the room, or something more significant such as someone being constantly late, try to identify the thing making you angry, and then address it - but only when you're calm.

If you're struggling - consider training or anger management

Some of us have shorter fuses than others, and sometimes we need external help to manage them. There is no shame in this - the step of acknowledging that you have a problem is a positive one. Some of us need professionals to teach us how to manage our anger and direct it in a positive way, rather than turning it on ourselves or other people. Anger management courses are pretty common, so don't feel strange or odd if you find yourself enrolling.

Overall, anger can drive people in a positive way, but very often it's a destructive negative force. After all, who wants to be around someone who flies off the handle and gets angry? If you have to work frequently with other people and have a natural short fuse, it may be time to address your anger - either through these tips, or with further help. A calmer person is usually a more productive one.