word courses - dummy question

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word courses - Dummy question

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version Standard

Hellena has attended:
Word Intermediate course

Dummy question

do you actually provide training for a day with combined outlook and excel/powerpoint

RE: dummy question

Hi Hellena,

We can tailor a training session with the mixture of packages. You will need to provide us a list of topics to be covered during the day.

For more information, please visit:




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Word tip:

Changing line spacing in Word

To change line spacing in your document, highlight the text you wish to apply line spacing to, and go to Format-Paragraph.

Default line spacing in a document is single. In the Paragraph dialogue box, you can choose to apply 1.5, double, at least, exactly, or multiple line spacing.

- 1.5 is one and a half spaces (shorcut keys: Ctrl + 5).

- Double is two spaces (shortcut keys: Ctrl + 2).

- At least allows you to specify minimum spacing, the actual spacing may increase.

- Exactly allows you to set an exact point size for the spacing.

- Multiple allows you to increase or decrease spacing by a specified percentage (e.g. 1.25 or 125% is somewhere between single spacing and 1.5 spacing).

- Ctrl + 1 changes back to single line spacing.

View all Word hints and tips

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