ms project training courses - vba

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ms project training courses - VBA

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version Standard

Simon has attended:
Project Intro Intermediate course


is there any VBA facility in project such that you can customize appearance or output - Like Excel/Access




MS Project tip:

Link tasks using predecessor column - project

a. First, note ID number of the task you want to link to (predecessor). Then, in the predecessor column of the task you want to link to (successor), type the predecessor task's ID number.
b. The link will be a Finish to Start (the default type).
c. Or you can add in a code for a different relationship type
i. SS = Start to Start
ii. FF = Finish to Finish
iii. SF = Start to Finish
d. You don't have to type the task ID numbers in any specific order, but you must separate multiple tasks with commas.

View all MS Project hints and tips

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