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resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 365

Clare has attended:
Excel Introduction course


Need more help with formulas which course would be next?

RE: Course

Hi Clare,

We are pleased you found all of the Excel Introduction course helpful. We would recommend you continue your learning of formulas with the Excel Intermediate course (IF function and organising data) followed by Excel Advanced (Lookup and Pivot Tables)

We'll pass this message to your Learning Solution advisor who can discuss those options with you

Kind regards


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Excel tip:

Select only cell that contain text to lock format

For selecting cells that only contain Text in Excel

By selecting cells that only contain text, you can delete, fill or protect cells of this type.

Use short cut to Go to box (F5) or Edit, Go to
In the dialog box, click special button & select Constants and only check text or any other desired type.

Click OK.

And text cells will all be highlighted for you to apply format. Please note only works on one sheet at a time.

View all Excel hints and tips

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