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Power Query & Power Pivot

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 365

Power Query & Power Pivot

I need to learn more about power quarries and power pivot

RE: Power Query & Power Pivot

Hi Saleesh,

Thank you for your request for information about Power Pivot and Power Query

For an overview of these 2 programs, I would click on the Youtube link below:


If you need to learn how to use these apps, I would suggest you attend one or both of our 2 courses. The first is Power Query - here's the link to a course overview:


The 2nd one is Power Pivot which also includes some elements of Power Query - here's the overview:


Hope this has been helpful

Kind regards
Martin Sutherland
(IT trainer)

Wed 6 Dec 2023: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Excel tip:

Seeing named ranges as part of the zoom

If you have large areas of named ranges this works better.

If you zoom down to 39% you will see your named range.

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