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resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 365

Victoria has attended:
Excel Intermediate course


How do you grey out the whole workbook, apart from the table you are working in?

RE: Formatting

Hi Victoria,

Thank you for your question to the forum.

I assume you mean worksheet not workbook as this contains many sheets and I think you may just want to grey out all the empty cells within the same sheet as where the table is located. If this is the case please do the following:

1. Let's say the table occupies cells A1 to D10. Select the column E then do Ctrl SHIFT right arrow to select all columns to the right.

2. Now fill with a grey colour using the paint bucket icon

3. Next select row 11 and do Ctrl SHIFT down arrow to select all rows to the bottom of the spreadsheet.

4. Click on the paint bucket icon directly to fill selected cells with the same colour

I hope this resolves your problem

Kind regards
Martin Sutherland
IT trainer


Excel tip:

Adding multiple rows in an Excel 2010 Worksheet

If you want to add more than one row to an Excel Worksheet, drag select the number or rows you want added to the spreadsheet.

Then right click on these selected rows, choose Insert from the menu, and the new rows will be added above the rows you first selected.

View all Excel hints and tips

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