formulas general

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Formulas in general

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 365

Iain has attended:
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Formulas in general

Please may I have some further information on all the forumlas that can be used in Excel (i.e SUMIFs, COUNTIFs and MAXIFs etc)?

RE: Formulas in general

Hello Iain,

Thank you for your question. As you may know, Excel has close to 500 different functions built in, and a limitless number of ways to combine formulas and functions.

You can download some Excel manuals from our website here:

The Excel manuals contain various formulas and functions examples.

Below is a link to a very good website about Excel formulas and functions:

In this site, you can search for any type of calculation in Excel.

For video tutorials on Excel formulas, try Leila Gharani's Youtube channel below:

Here, you can also search, e.g. 'leila gharani sumif'

I hope this helps.

Kind regards
Marius Barnard

Wed 12 Jul 2023: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Excel tip:

Converting an American date format to European using Formula

Excel depending on your local setting will only pick up date values of the dd mmm yyyy oders as date type. If you import data from various sources including America their date order is different with data value in mmm dd yyyy, excel can only treat it as text indicated by left aligning it. To overcome this you have to do the the following.

1. Extract the date components mmm dd yyyy, by using the the Text functions LEFT, MID or RIGHT

2. Reorder dd mmm component and concatenate using "&" in the right order this will create a text string with the date in the right order it then needss to be converted to a value so excel can recognise it.

3. To convert to value encase in TEXT function.

4. Format to desired date format.

View all Excel hints and tips

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