filter hide rows based

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Filter: Hide rows based on a column value in a table from the da

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 365

Filter: Hide rows based on a column value in a table from the da

I am trying to hide rows based on cell values.
All columns are in the same visual, table.

Can you please let me know how I can hide rows when the % = N/A
I have slicers with dropdown lists connected to this.
- Project
- Year
- Month

Name Total cost Total budget %
Concrete 20 30 33
Plant 0 N/A
Materials 0 N/A
Fuel N/A
Labour 20 30 33

RE: Filter: Hide rows based on a column value in a table from th

Hi Andres,
Thank you for the forum question.

If a column contains both numbers and N/A, then Power BI will treat the column as text.

If you in the data model only want the numbers not N/A, filter the column to only connect to numbers in the query editor.

If you want to both have N/A and number records in the data model but only want to display number records in the visual, you can in the Filter pane filter the visual. Use the option DOES NOT CONTAIN and then type N/A in the filter box.

I hope this makes sense. Otherwise let me know.

Kind regards

Jens Bonde
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

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Tue 27 Jun 2023: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Power BI tip:

Utilize Relationships Effectively

Establish clear and meaningful relationships between tables in your data model. Proper relationships enable Power BI to navigate and aggregate data accurately. Pay attention to cardinality and cross-filter direction when setting up relationships to ensure the results align with your analytical requirements.

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