cost vs budget multiple

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Cost vs Budget with multiple slicers and different date format.

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 365

Cost vs Budget with multiple slicers and different date format.

I need to calculate the cost vs budget based on 3No slicers.
1- Job Number
2- Date. The budget is based on months and the cost is based on days.
3- Category. We have multiple items such as concrete, reinforcement...

I cannot compare the budget vs cost per month according to each category and job No.

I can break it down into projects but the budget is the total value instead of per category or per category without applying the filter for each project.

How can I compare the cost vs budget applying the 3No filters?

RE: Cost vs Budget with multiple slicers and different date form

Hi Andres,

Thank you for the forum question.

If I understand your question right.

It is not a problem that you have cost broken down by days and budget by months. You can use the Month from your date table in the visual and group the values by months.

But if your budget is not broken down by each category, you cannot filter by the categories. You will have to have related records between the cost table and the budget table. Power BI will need to know how much of the monthly budget is for each category.

If I understand your dataset right, you will only be able to filter by months and job number.

Kind regards

Jens Bonde
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

Tel: 0207 987 3777
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RE: Cost vs Budget with multiple slicers and different date form

Hi Jens,

I have the same categories in the budget and cost tables but I can only filter it by project No or category.

If I link my general project list to one of the tables (1 to many) + my calendar to one of the tables (1 to many), I can only link the cost and budget (1 to many) between them, therefore when I apply the 3No filters, I always get the wrong result.

RE: Cost vs Budget with multiple slicers and different date form

Hi Andres,

You have a many to many situation. I do not know your data model, but you will probably have to create a bridge table.

I found a YouTube video which explain what you need to do.

Kind regards

Jens Bonde
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

Tel: 0207 987 3777
98%+ recommend us

London's leader with UK wide delivery in Microsoft Office training and management training to global brands, FTSE 100, SME's and the public sector


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Power BI tip:

Utilize Relationships Effectively

Establish clear and meaningful relationships between tables in your data model. Proper relationships enable Power BI to navigate and aggregate data accurately. Pay attention to cardinality and cross-filter direction when setting up relationships to ensure the results align with your analytical requirements.

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