v look up

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V- Look Up

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 365

Jess has attended:
Excel Intermediate course
PowerPoint Intermediate Advanced course

V- Look Up

The phrase V-Look up was used a lot throughout the session today and I feel like I might know what this, but please can it be explained?

RE: V- Look Up

Hi Jess,

Thankyou for your question about VLOOKUPS

To explain a VLOOKUP, it is a formula which allows you to look for a specific thing eg. ID number in a large set of data. When it finds a match, the VLOOKUP returns a piece of information relating to that ID number (eg. revenue) and puts the answer in another sheet.

To fully understand how to build a VLOOKUP and the different ways to use it, here is a link:


I hope this helps

Kind regards

Fri 2 Dec 2022: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Wrapping Text in a Cell in an Excel 2010 Workbook

When you have a lot of text you want to put in a particular cell but you can't decrease the font size to fit because the text will then become ineligible, then manually wrap the text in a cell by simply pressing ALT+ENTER.

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