onedrive permissions sharing

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OneDrive permissions sharing

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2016

OneDrive permissions sharing

hi - I'm looking for help in setting up a folder and subfolder with correct permissions.

The desired outcome - a general folder I share with operations, and a more restricted folder I share with operations directors.

I tried have granting access to a wider audience with a top folder, and then granting access to directors in a subfolder.
However this didn't seem to work - the general access cascaded down to the subfolder.

If folder permission rules cascade down to subfolders, do I need to create them separately - i.e. one folder for operations, one for operations directors?


RE: OneDrive permissions sharing

Hi James,

I agree that what you've done should be the expected behaviour for a sub folder but you're right on the way it's behaving. In my opinion this is a bug and I will confer with my other 365 colleagues for their opinion and if we agree then we'll report it to Microsoft.

In light of that then yes, your suggestion of two folders on the same level of the hierarchy would be the way to do this.

Sorry not to have a more useful answer.


RE: OneDrive permissions sharing

Thank you Claire -> this is useful because it answers my question, I'll just have to have separate folders, where the general operations folder also includes directors.

Kind Regards,


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