teams call

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Teams call

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2019

Eleni has attended:
Project Management - Framework & Processes course

Teams call


If I organise a teams meeting from my diary and send link to all the people of the meeting but in the end I decide not to attend, will they be able to start the meeting without me? I suppose the answer is no. But let me know.

Thank you.

RE: Teams call

Hi Eleni,

The default Team setting is that if you create a meeting for more than 2 internal users - they will be able to join if you aren't there. They can also admit outside users.

It won't work if
- The Teams meeting doesn't have enough Internal users and you aren't there.
- If your organisation's Team settings restricted it to the host authorising Internal and External users into the meeting
- Internal or External join via a telephone number. You must have Internal users on laptops to properly administer a meeting

You will need to run a test to check as each Teams environment can have different settings based on the IT/configuration.

Setup a meeting with yourself and two Internal Team members.
Don't join and see if they can both join without you
Final check - get someone to phone the telephone number and see if the Internal users can admit them to the meeting from their laptop.

Good luck with the above, you have my email if you need further assistance on this.




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A - Select All
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