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Table of contents

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 2016

Afroditi has attended:
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Table of contents

Hi, I am trying to create the table of contents for my thesis, but unfortunately big chunks of text find their way there. I go back to the text and click ‘normal’ but they still appear on the contents. Any advice? Many thanks in advance :)

RE: Table of contents

Hi Afroditi

Thank you for using our forum

Do you have any page breaks or line breaks in these areas? It might be that you need to press enter to get the paragraph to break and only apply the heading to the line selected

Also, have you updated the table of contents once you've changed the paragraph back to normal?

It might be worth activating your navigation pane so you can see what text is being affected by your headings

Hope this helps

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

RE: Table of contents

Hi Wendy,

And thanks a lot for your response. I don't use page breaks at all (so far) but I managed to resolve the issue by going to options and deselecting Heading 1, 2 and title and creating my own styles instead that I used as headings.
It felt more complicated to do otherwise. To answer your question, I did not refresh, but I did delete and re-insert the contents, so it should have been coming up without the long paragraphs still included. I could not make the whole paragraph normal, because when I do I a. lose my italics and b. my footnotes become the same size as the letters, which does not look good, So I was marking a few sentences at the beginning and the end of each paragraph that appeared on my contents as 'normal', but it did not work.

I anyway found an alternative solution.

Thanks a lot for your help.

RE: Table of contents

Hi Afroditi

I'm glad to hear you got it sorted out

Would you like to send me the original file so I can tell you what went wrong for future reference?

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

RE: Table of contents

Hi Wendy and again, thanks a lot for this. I will send you a shorter version, as it is a 300 page document. This will not be publicly available right?

Can I ask one more question please: I would like to (if there is a way to do this) have a 'list of videos,' after the list of images.
I have some videos that I discuss in my thesis, and would ideally like to have a list that also includes the page(s) of the thesis where each video is discussed. Would it be possible to somehow have a separate list with the videos and get word to read where each of them are so that the list can include page numbers?

Many thanks in advance,
Best wishes,

RE: Table of contents

Hi Aphrodite

The document won't be made available publicly and I would send it back to you directly.

You can create a table of figures that will create a contents table for the images/tables only. Is that what you're looking for?
If this is included in the document you email over, I can take a look and see what the best solution for you would be.

Please send the file to

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

RE: Table of contents

Hi Wendy,

I already have a list of Images, but in this case I would like to have a list of videos. It is neither tables, nor figures/images, but simply videos I would like the reader to watch.
I have around 22 videos which are part of my research, so it would be nice if I could have a list of them in the beginning of the thesis, ideally with the relevant page numbers.
I find it too risky to do it manually, because the slightest change can change the numbering, so I was wondering if there was a way to get word to do it. I suspect there isn't, but one can always hope!

Many thanks in advance,

RE: Table of contents

Hi Aphrodite

You can do this videos using the same process as for figures and tables.

1. Select the video that needs to be captioned
2. Go to References tab > Insert Caption > Select "New Label"
3. Type Video and click on Ok. Video will now be available as a label
4. Click on ok
5. For every video after that go to References tab > Insert Caption > Select Video from the Label drop down

Once you've done all of this, go to the area where you'd like to have the videos and page numbers listed and Select Table of Figures from the References tab and select Video from the Caption Label drop down and click on OK

That should allow you to create a list of the videos

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

Mon 24 Sep 2018: Automatically marked as resolved.


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