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Nothing yet

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2010

Ray has attended:
Excel PowerPivot course

Nothing yet

none at this point

RE: nothing yet

Hi Ray

We look forward to your future questions.

Have a great day

Kind regards



Excel tip:

Move data worksheet to worksheet

To move data from one worksheet to another, highlight the data.

Select and hold down the ALT key and position the mouse on the border of the selection until the mouse pointer displays four-headed arrows.

Drag the selection down to the destination worksheet tab.

When the arrow touches the tab, Excel switches to the desired worksheet. Now drag the selection to the correct position. Let go of the mouse and then the ALT key.

To copy data from one worksheet to another, select and hold down the CTRL+ALT keystroke combination and perform the steps above.

View all Excel hints and tips

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