conditional formatting row

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Conditional Formatting by row

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2010

Alisdair has attended:
Excel Intermediate course

Conditional Formatting by row


I am trying to format my tables so that if one of the cells in the row shows a certain value the entire row will go a certain colour. The three possible values are 0, 1 and 2 and I want the colours to be green orange and yellow.

I have managed to do this for a single row by highlighting the row and entering a rule with the formula =$F$5=2 and formatting the colour I would like. I cant seem to be able to do this for the table however, and when I try to copy it still works from whatever the value in the first cell is.

Can you please help?

RE: Conditional Formatting by row

Hi Alisdair

Thank you for your question - that formula will almost do the trick. The only thing that needs removing is the $ before the number 5.

By removing that your format can be applied to the other rows using format painter.

Let me know if that solves the problem.


Fri 14 Apr 2017: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Sorting List Subtotals

If you find that you would prefer to show the items in a subtotalled list in a different order, eg ascending rather than descending, you can sort your list. To sort a subtotalled list, hide the detail rows and then sort the subtotal rows. When you sort a subtotalled list, the hidden detail rows are automatically moved with the subtotal rows.
IMPORTANT: If you do not hide the details rows before sorting a subtotalled list, your subtotals will be removed and all of the rows in your list will be reordered.

View all Excel hints and tips

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