excel beginers

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Excel beginers

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2010

Rod has attended:
Excel Intermediate course

Excel beginers

do you have a Excel beginers course?

RE: Excel beginers

Hi Rod

Thank you for your question. I have asked a member of our team to get in touch with you regarding your enquiry.

In the meantime you can see course content and upcoming dates here:

Kind regards,

Wed 25 Nov 2015: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Viewing Many Worksheets

If there are more worksheets in your workbook than there is room to show all their tabs at the bottom of the screen - Right click on the navigation arrows. A list of all your worksheets is shown. You just click on the one that you want to access. If you have more than 15 worksheets, select in the list and choose your worksheet from hundreds.

View all Excel hints and tips

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