mail merge info send

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Mail merge info to send to manager on outlook | Word forum

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 2010

Michael has attended:
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Mail merge info to send to manager on outlook


I would like help in Microsoft Word to sort information on mailmerge and then send this on outlook based on the information sorted. I would like to create a spread sheet that sorts out the managers so that all their employees will be in the same tab. Then I would like to find a way of sending each tab as an email to the relevant manager.

RE: mail merge info to send to manager on outlook

Hi Michael

Thank you for your question.

The sorting part of your question can be carried out in Excel first or while you are setting up your merge. In Excel use your sorting features found on the Data tab - perhaps the Sort button is more useful because you can sort across more than one column simultaneously.

In Word you can sort your recipient list by clicking the Edit Recipients button on the Mailings Ribbon.

Unfortunately the mailmerge feature in Word does not support sending attachments in the message. It would be possible to create a VBA macro to correctly identify the sheets then email them out but that is outside the scope of the help we can offer on the forum.

Let me know a bit more about what you are looking to achieve in case there is another approach that could help.

Kind regards,

RE: mail merge info to send to manager on outlook

To help explain this a little better i will use tables.

I am wanting to separate table A using mail merge so it splits up the table into separate tables in the mail merge (table B is the results)

name department bonus
Bob Sales 100
Moon Sales 200
Harry HR 300
Jessica IT 300
Barry Marketiing 200
Dongun finance 100

mailmerge page 1
Sales BOB 100
Moon 200

mailmerge page 2
HR Harry 300

Mail merge tab 3
IT Jessica 300

Mailmerge tab 3
Marketin Barry 200

Mail merge table 4
Finance Dongun 100

I want to do this as I need to sort and send this to various managers email addresses and this would be ver efficient way of doing this.


RE: mail merge info to send to manager on outlook

Hi Michael

Thanks for your update although it sounds like something that Word will not be able to do.

If I understand the situation correctly we have a data source (table A) and would like this splitting into a workbook that has multiple sheets (Table B, pages 1 to 4). Finally we need to one of these sheets or the whole workbook to email recipients.

The Word mail merge feature will handle creating a message and emailing it to multiple recipients but unfortunately wouldn't make the table B and attached and send for you.

A pivot table could produce separate tabs based on a criteria (Using Report Filter and Show Report Filter Pages)

Excel can create subtotalled information and format it so it appears on separate pages when printed (though stored on the same sheet) using the Data / Subtotal feature.

So to summarise the mail merge feature in Word can send a message to the recipients on a mailing list but won't be able to attach anything to that email, or create a spreadsheet with the data on separate tabs.

The only alternative to achieve this outcome would be to programme the steps using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) to interact with Word, Outlook and Excel.

I am sorry I can't offer you a better solution - let me know if you have any further questions.

Kind regards,

Wed 24 Jun 2015: Automatically marked as resolved.


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