looks up options

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Looks up options

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2010

Andrea has attended:
Excel Intermediate course

Looks up options

Would like to understand more about following features:

RE: looks up options

Hi Andrea

Thank you for your questions.

I have pulled together some information for Match and Index for you from our forum:

Ranges can be defined on the formulas tab. They allow you to refer to a cell or block of cells by name in your formulas.

We have a blog article on the subject here.

Rather than manually setting or adjusting ranges it is possible to create ranges that automatically include new data when added to the sheet.

Here is a great page about dynamic ranges using offset:

I hope this is helpful - let me know if you have any further questions.

Kind regards,

Tue 21 Apr 2015: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Closing Multiple Open Worksheets At Once

When multiple Excel worksheets are opening, rather than performing a File > Close menu option multiple times, hold down the the SHIFT key and select the File > Close All menu option.

Close All menu option is only displayed when Shift key is down

View all Excel hints and tips

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