access ppt shared drive

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Access PPT on Shared Drive

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2013

Nimisha has attended:
PowerPoint Intermediate Advanced course
Excel Advanced course

Access PPT on Shared Drive

We all store our documents and access them on a Shared drive, if there are a few people accessing and updating the same file - is there any best practice in how to track/log these changes?

RE: Access PPT on Shared Drive

Hi Nimisha

Thanks for getting in touch. PowerPoint doesn't have a true track changes feature like Word. You are able to compare two versions of the same presentation, outlined by Microsoft here:

Another alternative is to have a hidden slide in the presentation that could be a table, where users document who made the change, the date of the change and what was modified.

If this is a critical part of your workflow, speak to your IT support team as they may have document management systems they employ on your shared drives. This can help you track revisions.

Kind regards

Gary Fenn
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

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Tue 29 Apr 2014: Automatically marked as resolved.


PowerPoint tip:

Paste a web address into the hyperlink address field

If you copy a web address the only way to paste into the address field of the hyperlink box is to use CTRL + V. Right click paste does not work.

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