embedding objects and master

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Embedding Objects and Master slide

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Vanessa has attended:
PowerPoint Intermediate Advanced course

Embedding Objects and Master slide

I don't quite remember how to embed an obkect, or how to put a title in a slide show once to make it appear automatically in the rest of the slideshow.

RE: Embedding Objects and Master slide

Hello Vanessa,

Thank you for your enquiry.

To embed an object, do the following:
Click the Insert tab
In the "Text" group, click the "Object" button
Select either "Create new" or "Create from file"
If "Create from file", then navigate to the file's location and double-click to insert the object.

To create an automatic title in a show, do the following:
Click on the "View" tab
Click on "Slide Master"
For the first slide in the Slide Master view, type the title you wish to use in the Title placeholder
Then copy and paste the title to the other layout slides
Finally, save the slide master as a template.

I hope this helps!

Kind regards
Marius Barnard
Best STL

Wed 13 Nov 2013: Automatically marked as resolved.


PowerPoint tip:

Promote / demote bullet list

You can promote bullet lists by highlighting and the pressing the TAB key.

To demote bulleted text press SHIFT+TAB.

View all PowerPoint hints and tips

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