excel and vba antony

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Excel and VBA Antony

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2003

Robert has attended:
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Excel and VBA Antony

I am tryig to carry out conditional formatting in VBA. Colouring cells background when certain conditions are met.
When the macro is run through first time it works when run through again it returns "Run time Error '1004' Unable to set Color Index property of he interior class"
How do I stop this happening.

RE: Excel and VBA Antony

Hi Robert. Are you protecting the worksheet? If so, have a look at this:


Hope this helps,


Wed 1 Aug 2012: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Excel tip:

Change Excel's default font

You can change the default font and font size for all spreadsheets created in Excel by:

1. Going to Tools on the menu bar.
2. Select Options, then General.
3. Next to Standard Font you can change the font and font size.
4. Click OK.

Each new file you start from this point onward should use the font and font size you have selected.

View all Excel hints and tips

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