word indent issue

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Word 2007 indent issue

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2007

Fiona has attended:
Excel Advanced course

Word 2007 indent issue


I'm having trouble with a Word document where the third lines is automatically indented but when I look in the Paragraphs section it says "none" under Indentation > Special. There is also a zero next Left under the same section.

I can't see an obvious solution. I've looked under Word Options and unchecked the Set Left- and first-ident with tabs and backspaces under Proofing > Auto Format As You Type but that doesn't seem to help.

Has anyone got a solution?

FYI - I'm using mail merge. The same issue exists in the mail merge template.


RE: Word 2007 indent issue

Hi Fiona, thanks for your query. Check the formatting on the style sheet as well. If the text is going in as "Normal" style, then use Modify to check the indents and tab stops in the style as well.


RE: Word 2007 indent issue

Hi Anthony,

It says none next to the indents bit. To make it more bizarre, this only occurs on the second page of the document.


RE: Word 2007 indent issue

Hi Fiona

I just wanted to check with you - were you able to resolve this problem or is it something that is still an issue?

Let me know and I'll try and find an answer for you.

Kind regards,

RE: Word 2007 indent issue

Hi Anthony,

I worked round the issue. I can't remember what I did.

Thanks for following up.



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When you insert shapes in a Word document, the easiest way to move them around is to use the Selection Pane on the Drawing Tools tab on the Ribbon. This tab only appears when you're working with graphics. Or if a shape is hidden behind another shape, just select it from the list on the page and use the arrows to move it backwards or forwards.

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