setting up numbering styles

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Setting up numbering in styles

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2007

Keely has attended:
Word Intermediate course
Word Advanced course

Setting up numbering in styles

I am trying to create a number of styles which link to the previous ones but I can't seem to get the numbering right. For example I'll have some headings under the style Heading 1 eg 1. North 2. South 3. East but when I try to make a Heading 2 style to follow that the numbering goes out so where I want 2.2 I have 1.2 instead. I can't seem to get the heading 2 to restart the numbering correctly.

RE: Setting up numbering in styles

Hi Keely, thanks for your query. The way to do this is too involved to put on this forum, but the following link details the process. Don't be put off by it's length or how involved it seems, if you follow the steps through it really does work!

Hope this helps,


RE: Setting up numbering in styles

I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. I followed it step by step and although it works for level 2/heading 2, once it gets to level 3 and beyond it doesn't work!

RE: Setting up numbering in styles

Apologies I have now fixed the issue! Many thanks for that link!

RE: Setting up numbering in styles

No problem Keely. Well done for persevering, it's a relief when it works, isn't it?!


RE: Setting up numbering in styles

Definitely! Now I understand how the styles link to one another it's going to be a huge help.
Thank you


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Word tip:

Change bullets and numbering quickly

To quickly change the formatting of bullets and numbering without having to go through the Format menu, hold your cursor directly on top of one of the bullets or numbers in your list and double-click.

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