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resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Michael has attended:
Excel Intermediate course


We use an excel timesheet at work that is linked to a central timesheet. Each time I go into either my personal or the central timesheet I get a security warning - "Some active content has been disabled" and have to click on "options" and choose "enable this content" for each issue - macro, data connection etc...I would like all content to be enabled all the time for these worksheets - how do I change it so I dont have to "enable" every time I go into the worksheet?

Tks in anticipation,


RE: Links

Hi Michael

Thanks for your question

Click on the Office Button, and select options. Go to Trust centre and select external content. Under "Security settings for workbook links" select "Enable automatic update for workbook links".
Note this does provide a security flaw and you should only link the file to workbooks where you are certain that they present no security risks




Excel tip:

Bracketed negative numbers

Often Excel users wish to display negative numbers in colour red and bracketed

Step1. Select Format > Cells menu options. Within Numbers tabsheet, select Category = Custom.
Step 2. Select a type such as #,##0;[Red]-#,##0;; that specifies a colour in square brackets.
Step 3. Amend as follows; #,##0;[Red](#,##0;;

Notes: Excel formatting featues are of the form
"Positive; Negative;Zero;Text" separated by semicolon.

View all Excel hints and tips

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