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resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2007

Greg has attended:
Excel Intermediate course
Excel Advanced course


i want to show on the first row the amount of funds committed to a project. the next row below will show the funds being spent. so there is alage between the two. how do i arrange for the lag to be made automatically ?

RE: cashflows

Hi Greg,

Thanks for your question

Could you elaborate on your requirements for me? You say you have two values funds committed and funds spent and that there will be a difference between the two (Lag). You wish to be able to set the lag automatically to a predetermined value. This can be done by altering the projected funds or the actual spend.

Which one do you wish to vary?




Excel tip:

Shortcut for deleting all comments in a spreadsheet

If you have entered multiple comments into a spreadsheet and wish to delete them all at once, you can achieve this by:

1. Holding down Ctrl, then Shift, then O - this will select all cells containing comments in the worksheet you are looking at.

2. Right-clicking on one of the selected cells, and selecting Delete Comment from the menu that appears.

3. Clicking anywhere else in the spreadsheet to deselect comments - all comments should have disappeared from the spreadsheet.

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