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resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 2003

Julie has attended:
Excel Intermediate course


Can you please recommend a book that shows how to use excel functions , such as VLOOKUP, IF, average etc.

RE: Excel

Hi Julie

Thanks for your question

I would recommend Walkenbacks book, "Excel 2003 Formulas"





Excel tip:

Conditional formatting for cells that return text , not picked up by Go to command

If you have tried to format all cells containing text even those that display text as a result of a formula you may have had difficulty. As Go to command with constant selected does not pick up formulas that result in text.

Then try this. Select the range the formula cells appear in on your sheet. Format, select Conditional Formatting menu. In the dialog box under Condition 1, select "Formula Is" from drop down. Next to it in the Formula Box, enter the formula =Istext(A1. Click Format button , choose desired formatting settings and click OK. To go ahead and apply the conditional formatting click OK to accept

View all Excel hints and tips

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