references db fields if

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References to DB fields in If statement not working

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2003

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References to DB fields in If statement not working

I've got the following code in a module that deletes data. I've stepped through this and even when both parts of the IF are true the code steps over the delete statement (jumping straight to the endif).

With rstDBTarget
Do While Not .EOF
If .Fields("VolID") = iVolID AND _
.Fields("ReqID") = Me.ReqID Then
Debug.Print "Deleted one"
End If
End If
End With

Is there a problem with referring directly to the rst fields in the IF clause?


RE: References to DB fields in If statement not working

Ah! Found the problem. iVolID was populated from a list field and, in spite of declared data type, was a string not an integer. Once I coerced the data using Clng it worked.


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