exporting charts pivot tables

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Exporting Charts from Pivot tables using VBA | Excel forum

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2007

Adrian has attended:
Excel Advanced course
Excel VBA Intro Intermediate course

Exporting Charts from Pivot tables using VBA

I have a workbook containing several worksheets. Within these spreadsheets are pivot charts which I export as jpeg's.
I have inherited an xla add-in file which is designed to export all the charts within the workbook. However two of the worksheets contain pivot tables which create several charts from the pivot. I have modified the add-inn to loop through all the worksheets within the workbook but need some code for the 2 sheets with the pivot tables so I can loop through each pivot item selected.
I've attached the code below as it looks at present.


Adrian Laffey

VBA Add-In (Export all charts)

Sub ExportAllCharts()
Dim sChartName As String
Dim sFileName As String
Dim sPathName As String
Dim sPrompt As String
Dim sCurDir As String
Dim iOverwrite As Long
Dim cCount As Integer
Dim loopChartName As String
Dim eFailed As Integer
Dim chartCount As Integer
Dim skipPrompt As Integer
Dim wksht As Worksheet

sCurDir = CurDir

If ActiveSheet Is Nothing Then GoTo ExitSub
' If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then GoTo ExitSub

If Len(Dir(ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\charts", vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\charts"
End If

sPathName = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\charts"
If Len(sPathName) > 0 Then
ChDrive sPathName
ChDir sPathName
End If

For Each wksht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

ActiveWindow.Zoom = 300

chartCount = wksht.ChartObjects.Count

sFileName = "MyChart.png"
cCount = 0
skipPrompt = 0
If eFailed <> 1 Then cCount = cCount + 1
eFailed = 0

loopChartName = "Chart " & cCount

If cCount > chartCount Then Exit Do

sChartName = wksht.Name & cCount
sChartName = Replace(sChartName, " ", "")
sChartName = sPathName & "\" & sChartName & ".png"

sFileName = FullNameToFileName(sChartName)
sPathName = FullNameToPath(sChartName)

If FileExists(sChartName) And skipPrompt = 0 Then

sPrompt = "A file named '" & sFileName & "' already exists in '" & sPathName & "'"
sPrompt = sPrompt & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?"

iOverwrite = Assistant.DoAlert("Image File Exists", sPrompt, msoAlertButtonYesAllNoCancel, msoAlertIconQuery, msoAlertDefaultFirst, msoAlertCancelDefault, False)
'MsgBox(sPrompt, vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion, "Image File Exists")

Select Case iOverwrite
Case vbYes
' do nothing, loop again
Case vbNo
eFailed = 1
Case vbCancel
GoTo ExitSub
Case 8
skipPrompt = 1
End Select

End If


ActiveChart.Export sChartName, "PNG"

ActiveWindow.Zoom = 100



ActiveWindow.Zoom = 100

ChDrive sCurDir
ChDir sCurDir

End Sub

RE: Exporting Charts from Pivot tables using VBA

Hi Adrian

Thanks for your post and additional detail. As we are on holidays at the moment I have allocated your post to one of my colleagues who is a VBA trainer to review when we reopen next week.

Kind regards


RE: Exporting Charts from Pivot tables using VBA

Hi Jacob,

I have not heard anything back from your colleague as yet.



RE: Exporting Charts from Pivot tables using VBA

Hi Adrian

Thanks for your question

I have today received your question, and will be spending some time with it later today.



RE: Exporting Charts from Pivot tables using VBA

Hi Stephen,

It's been a week since you posted your message above and I have still not had any potential silution to my query.




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